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5 Optimization Techniques for Angular Performance

5 Optimization Techniques for Angular Performance

Optimization techniques are crucial for improving Angular performance because they help reduce the time it takes for an Angular application to load and render, as well as minimize the number of resources it consumes. This is important for providing a smooth user experience and ensuring that the application is responsive and efficient.

Here we discuss a few techniques:

  1. Lazy Loading
  2. Change Detection
  3. TrackBy
  4. NgZone
  5. Async Pipe

Lazy Loading:

Lazy loading is a technique that loads only the required modules or components when they are needed. This technique can improve the initial loading time of the application. Here’s an example of how to lazy load a module in Angular:


Change Detection:

Angular has a built-in change detection mechanism that checks for changes in the component’s properties and updates the view accordingly. However, this process can become expensive if the component has many bindings. To optimize performance, you can use the OnPush change detection strategy. This strategy only checks for changes when the component’s input properties change. Here’s an example:


When rendering lists in Angular, you can use the trackBy function to help Angular track which items have changed. This can significantly improve performance when working with large lists. Here’s an example:


The AsyncPipe is a built-in Angular pipe that allows you to easily work with asynchronous data. It automatically subscribes to the observable and handles unsubscribing when the component is destroyed. Here’s an example:


NgZone is an Angular service that allows you to explicitly run code outside of Angular’s change detection. This can be useful when dealing with third-party libraries not optimized for Angular’s change detection. Here’s an example:

Overall, optimization techniques are important for Angular performance because they help ensure that the application is fast, efficient, and responsive, providing a better user experience.



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